So I'm taking on a new endeavor. My cousin's wife is a quilter. When I say a quilter, I mean a quilter; she attends weekend quilting "camps." Much similar to those people who scrapbook and attend scrapbooking "retreats," yes, now some of you may be able to relate. Over about the past year, she has been teaching me how to quilt. Since then, I've made 4 quilts for gifts and just LOVE the feeling of finishing one and seeing how all of the fabrics work together and the expression on people's faces when they open up their gift of a hand-made quilt! So, cousin's wife wanted to start doing something called
t-shirt quilts and
memory quilts. She asked me if I wanted to be her "partner." Well hello, of course I do! So on Sunday I am going over to her house, with some of Evelyn's old baby clothes and blankets in hand, and we are going to experiment with patterns and figure out pricing and I am so excited to try something new! She has a regular quilt shop she likes to get her fabrics from and we will hopefully be able to post what we do at their store for anyone who has someone's old t-shirts or baby clothes they want to be able to pull out of their storage boxes and actually be able to enjoy. Along with posting on Craigslist and probably even starting our own little blog, we are hoping to get some "clients." We are thinking of calling our new little ditty "Life's Little Pieces" because we're taking sentimental items and turning them into blankets or bedspreads or whatever. Cute, right? I'll post pics of what we come up with next week, but I was just too excited I had to write about it now! (We didn't make the quilt in the picture, but it's an example of a quilt made from old baby clothes - how cute is that ruffle skirt!?)
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