Thursday, July 16, 2009

15 Month Check-up.

It's the one day I dread every 3 months, for the past 15 months....Evelyn's well check-ups. Well check-ups = shots = holding a baby down = tears for baby (and sometimes almost mommy, almost.) We had Evelyn's 15 month check up and shots this morning and I made daddy come with this time. Please note I do not do shot check-ups alone. If daddy cannot get off of work, then grandma comes, seriously I do not do well knowing she is going to get shots. I was considering bringing my camera so I could have some pics of the experience to post along with this posting, but decided against it because how would I take a picture of Evelyn getting her shots when I have to hold her arms down, not really possible, and you really need the shot picture to make the story complete. So, I went without. She got measured and weighed and comes in at a whopping 27.7 pounds and 33 inches tall. She has always been a big girl, but her height finally out-did her weight. For anyone who knows about percentiles out there, she is in 95 percentile for weight and 98 percentile for height now. For anyone who doesn't know, this means that only 5% of girls her age are heavier than her and only 2% of girls her age are taller than her. Daddy says she will be a basketball player since she is so stinking tall. I say she might be a sumo wrestler, since she is heavy. lol, just kidding, but it could go either way.
The main reason I wanted to post this today was that at her next check-up, the doctor said it is flu shot time again, which is fine, I do plan on getting Evelyn vaccinated against the regular flu, but then he said 2 flu shots - one like normal, and one for swine flu! I told him I didn't know how I felt about her getting the swine flu shot because it's so new, and who knows the side effects of it yet really. He told me that nobody would look badly at us if we didn't get her either one of the flu shots and to just think about it. I think we will do the one regular flu shot (thank goodness only one round of that this year. Babies' first year of flu shots has to be done in 2 separate rounds, which means extra trip to the doctor just to get a shot....) but I just don't know about the swine flu shot quite yet.....maybe we'll have daddy get it first.....


  1. They told us the same thing about the swine flu vaccine for Everett. We haven't decided yet, I guess we will when the time gets closer. The good news is, only shot left are those and the 18 month ones, then their done until 2 years my nurse said.


  2. Ooh, Everett has 18 month shots? Our Dr. said no more shots at 18 month appt, but it happens to fall at flu shot season, so she'll get just that one at her 18 month check-up. (Or 2, depending on if we do swine flu or not.) It's not really the shot thing that makes her freak out, it's the getting on that little cushy table with the paper lining. haha, she won't even sit on it with treats before the nurse comes in, let alone lay down on it without being held down. :( Poor baby.
