So, we finally got some snow that stayed on the ground. This is a good and bad thing. Good because our little Evelyn loves playing in the snow. Bad because now we have to add boots, mittens and scarves to our list of things to put on the kids so the neighbors don't think we're horrible parents we know the kids are nice and warm before venturing out. By the time I get them both all bundled up, I'm exhausted.
Here is Exhibit A.
Please note that you have to put on the mittens before the jacket for optimum snow-prevention. And be sure to pull the snowpants over the itty-bitty boots. I'm pretty sure he could not bend his legs or arms.
Exhibit B: Evelyn
Notice the rosey cheeks on both of them? I think I need to add ski mask to the list of things to put on them. Evelyn's cheeks are still red!
Anyways, things I discovered from our first December snow day:
1. Isaac likes to go sledding, and is adorable while doing it:
2. The cat does not like escaping out the sliding door when there's snow on the ground:
3. Isaac does not like face-planting in the snow...
Unfortunately/fortunately I didn't learn anything new about Evelyn this day. I already know she doesn't like her picture taken, she insists on playing hide-and-seek EVERY time we go outside (even in the snow), and she hurts her butt when Andy pulls her over a big jump on her sled. But, there's always next time :) (Yes, that is my cheesy smiley face because I don't know how to make an actual one the in blogging world, so just enjoy the colon and parenthesis I put there.)
Also, I just discovered I can make my pictures bigger at the time of uploading them, but there's no way I'm going back and re-uploading them all. It is a big pain in the tooshy to get these photos dragged to their correct spot. So, I'll make them bigger next time, I promise! Anyone have an easier way of getting pictures to just load where you want them, and not at the top of the post??
Update - I figured out the moving of the pictures thing. :)