To Santa, or not to Santa - That is the question.
I do not remember believing in Santa. I'm sure my parents told us there was a Santa, but I do not remember anything about ever believing in him. Maybe it was because with 3 older siblings, they ruined it for me and just told me it wasn't true, maybe it was because at a young age I had other, more important things to worry about (unfortunately.) Who knows. But now, having a 20 month old daughter I am wondering if there is a rule that you MUST tell your child there is a Santa? I know the advantage of having them believe in Santa - especially around Christmas time - is that it is a great threat, "If you do not listen to Mommy, Santa will put you on the naughty list!" But isn't it sort of a lie? What happens when they realize you have been lying to them about who brings those presents? At what age do you tell them it isn't true? Or do they just stumble across it at school one day when the class bully shouts out "There is no Santa!" And then they come home and ask you about Santa's existence.
Now I love, LOVE Christmas. Birth of Jesus (yay!), family, giving gifts, 24 hour Christmas music on 102.9. But really, who wants to stand in that darn "Picture with Santa" line anyways?
This post is dedicated to Twon - my #1 fan - lol!